Channel: The Point
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Bill Kristol's Fake Republican Primary Challenge Stat

Bill Kristol is hard at work, selling a product no one wants. A different GOP nominee in 2012.  And so, armed with this history and fresh polling (Morning Consult and Politico found 38% of Republican...

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Get Drunk With Hillary Clinton

A few lucky bundlers will blast it with the world's most admired colluder and child rapist defender. Guzzle white wine as Hillary Clinton gives you the gimlet eye and rattles of her list of enemies...

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The Media's Cynical Stories on GOP Non-Candidates Who Have No Chance of...

Does this sound like a guy who merits a CNN story that went viral? Bill Fawell is running against incumbent Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos in Illinois' 17th District, where she won by 20 points in 2016...

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Woman Who Can't Handle 2 Email Accounts Wants to be CEO of Facebook

Sure, why not? Hillary Clinton said in an interview with Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey on Friday that if she could be CEO of any company right now, she'd choose Facebook, the Washington...

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NAACP Doubles Down on Pres Who Lied About "Racist" Cop

Facts have a notorious racial bias. he Rev. Jerrod Moultrie, pastor of Oakgrove Missionary Baptist Church in Fairmont, was stopped April 12 in Timmonsville, S.C., by police Officer Chris Miles for not...

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Kerry Colluded Against America w/Iranian Official Chanting, "Death to...

Collusion. It doesn't get any more blatant than working against the United States government with an enemy official who chants Death to America. He sat down at the United Nations with Foreign Minister...

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Glazov Gang: "Why They Rape" (VIDEO)

We've often talked about, "Why they hate."  In this Glazov Gang video, Jamie Glazov and Gavin Boby discuss what might be called, why they rape, delving into Islamic history and theology for the...

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Unlike Obama, Trump Stands up To China on the Water

At one point in his miserable disaster of a misadministration, Obama decided to do a pivot to China. You may have forgotten that ever happened because after it turned out to be a miserable failure,...

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Daughter of Rapist and Child Rapist Defender: Trump Degrades Americanism

The standard attack plan against Trump is either go high or low. Either pretend to be noble or put on a pink hat.  Politicians, with a handful of exceptions, take the fake high road. And who better to...

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Elon Musk and the Media's War on its Critics

The media is unfair. But I don't think they've been unfair to Elon Musk and Tesla. We are talking about a company that operates within a reality distortion field in which the middle class pays for...

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UK Kitchen Knife Ban: No One Needs "8' or 10' Kitchen Knives...

This story was almost summoned into being to make a point about the absurdity of gun control arguments. Why does anyone need a rifle, a shotgun, a handgun or a kitchen knife with a point? A judge has...

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Tommy Robinson, Mueller and the Rule of Law

The establishment of late, the left and some of its allies on the right, has been lecturing us ceaselessly on that magnificent thing that they call, "The rule of law".  The rule of law might be more...

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Every Bad Person Comes to America for a "Better Life"

"Came to this country for a better life" is #4 in the media's top 5 immigration narrative cliches.  It's true of course. Few people go anywhere for a worse life. The illegal migrants who cross the...

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A $1 Million Dollar Student Debt and a Tesla

This Wall Street Journal piece on the man with the million dollar student loan is meant to be shocking. But the actual shock is kind of a twist. Mike Meru, a 37-year-old orthodontist, made a big...

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Roseanne Canceled, Black-Ish Still On

The message is clear. And it's the same old double standard. Controversial remarks to the left are praised. Controversial remarks to the right are punished. There is nothing leftists can say when...

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Tommy Robinson: "If They Murdered Me" (VIDEO)

What happens to a modern un-person in a modern country? Tommy Robinson secretly vanishing into the bowels of the British prison system is a disturbing example of how the authorities will protect their...

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FACT CHECK: Yes, George Soros was a Nazi Collaborator

Since the media is once again insisting that Soros' Nazi collaboration was a conspiracy theory, here's George is in his own words on 60 Minutes. KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this...

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If Bernie Sanders Becomes President, Will He Pardon His Wife?

Bernie Sanders wants to be president. He's completely unqualified for that and everything else. Before elected office, his career largely involved collecting unemployment. Once in office, he renamed...

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Multicultural Gender Studies Prof Screams at Jewish Man for Practicing...

Multiculturalism. It means hating other people.   The video is in Hebrew. But it's not hard to get the gist of it. Chabad, a Chassidic Jewish group, goes to airports asking Jewish men to put on...

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Media Unhappy Trump Bragged About Killing 300 Russians

Wait a minute. I thought Trump was a secret Russian agent controlled by Moscow. And then the media suddenly pivots to its usual, "This Republican cowboy is upsetting our international enemies." Maybe...

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