Channel: The Point
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Obama Inc. Tried to Cover Up Iran Hostage Crisis for State of the Union

The Ben Rhodes profile in the New York Times is probably the most gruesome look at anyone deep in Obama Inc. and like turning over a rock and watching the bugs crawl out, there are plenty of...

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Bernie Sanders Marked National Socialist May 1, Not Holocaust Remembrance Day

One of Bernie Sanders' more repulsive scams was to sideline questions about being Jewish by mentioning Hitler and the Holocaust (though he tended not to actually use the term) and then blasting...

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New York Times: Iran Nuclear Deal was Based on a Lie

You don't say. Among other things, the profile of Ben Rhodes, Obama's go to guy on foreign policy (who knows nothing about it) contains the admission that the deal was based on a lie and that the real...

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Pro-Amnesty Group Issues "Report" Claiming Deportations Won't...

Let's set aside the whole pro/anti, right/left paradigm when talking about this latest piece of PR Newswire material being touted by the mainstream media. Donald Trump's vow to round up and deport all...

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Obama's DOJ Won't Call "Felons", Felons Anymore

Understandable. We wouldn't want to stigmatize murderers, drug dealers, rapists and robbers. Their victims might disagree, but they're just Crimeaphobic. Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason, who has...

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Pope Francis Blasts Europe Over Migrants

Sigh. Europe is struggling to live up to the vision of its founders, Pope Francis has said in a powerful speech that asked: “What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human...

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Obama's Ex-Secretary of Defense Doesn't Believe He'll Stop...

Panetta isn't Gates. He's a career Democrat and a Clinton guy. He's a conformist. He goes along. And yet he's still making the admission. As secretary of defense, he tells me, one of his most...

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Judge Protects Muslim 9/11 Terrorists from American Women

We must respect Islam and its various racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and anti-American beliefs. Lest we offend Muslims and make them fly planes into our buildings. And even once they did that, we must...

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Bernie Sanders Willing to Sell Out, Be Hillary's VP

Heroic hero of the people, Bernie Sanders, interrupted his donor-funded 1 percenter lifestyle, to announce that he might be willing to sell out to Hillary after he's milked every last gullible...

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Obama Celebrates How Republicans Saved America

The Howard speech is part of Obama's victory lap. But it's not clear what the victory amounts to. Obama has pushed the country far to the left and broken both parties quite badly. He also broke the...

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Why Can't Hillary Clinton Stop Compulsively Denying?

This is a serious question. Maybe most politicians lie. But there are all kinds of lies. Most lies are intended to achieve a purpose. Like Obama claiming that people would be able to keep their...

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NY Times Hires Anti-Israel Activist Who Blamed Jewish Teens for Being Murdered

Semi-professional Vox liar Max Fisher has moved up to the New York Times, which is already embarrassing itself on a regular basis by running Electronic Intifada rants celebrating racist Muslim attacks...

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Police Tell Blond European Woman Attacked by Muslims to Dye Her Hair

Give it a few years and the police will be telling women attacked by Muslims to wear hijabs and then burqas. This is how Islamic law happened originally. It's happening all over again in countries...

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Can NY Senate Save Working Families From Big Green's Bagtaxing?

New York City's corrupt left-wing City Council rammed through a bag tax despite the impact it will have on working families. The bag tax was sold with staged rallies of exploited children, lies about...

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Obama Has Israel's Back, Sticks Knife In It

(Art by Edgar Davidson) Obama likes to claim that he has Israel's back.“The people of Israel must always know America has its back,” he proclaimed last year. In 2012, he had Israel's back. "President...

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Bernie Sanders Wants Democrats to Fund a News Network

While most conservatives have been watching Cruz vs. Trump, on the left, Sanders vs. Clinton has gotten ugly. Bernie Sanders supporters have been accusing MSNBC of being in the tank for Hillary...

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Mission Accomplished: Al Qaeda to Create Own State in Syria

While ISIS has gotten the most attention, it's important to remember that it's just one of the more aggressive Al Qaeda splinter groups (which is one of the more aggressive Muslim Brotherhood splinter...

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Facebook Suppressed Conservative Stories, Pushed Black Lives Matter

Not really a surprise to anyone. And also probably inevitable for most of the same reasons that media bias exists. Facebook was hiring young journalists to select "curate" what its news feed showed....

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Largest Israeli Zionist Campus Org Backs Freedom Center in SDSU BDS Fight

While the media has attacked the Freedom Center's fight against BDS at San Diego State University, Israeli Zionist groups understand and appreciate the Freedom Center's activism.Im Tirtzu, the leading...

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Obama Frees Chicago Member of Drug Gang That Terrorized School

"The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way." President Obama on Thursday commuted the prison sentence of a man who was part of a crack-dealing gang that terrorized Chicago...

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