CONFIRMED: Trump Tower-Russia Meet was a Clinton-Fusion GPS Setup
All roads in this scandal, begin and end with Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS created the Trump dossier for the Clintons. And then passed the material on to the FBI. The Trump Tower meeting also had Fusion...
View ArticleShould Linda Sarsour Apologize to Victims of Manhattan Terror Attack?
When you agitate against counterterrorism measures that could save lives, do you have any responsibility when the inevitable terror attack happens? That's the question that Jamie Glazov asks in this...
View ArticleCalifornia Needs a New Anthem
The California NAACP has decided to double down on the anti-Americanism by coming out against the Star-Spangled Banner because its ignorant leadership claims that "hirelings and slaves" in an obscure...
View ArticleESPN Losses Drag Down Disney
Has Disney gotten enough social justice yet? How about more anti-American anthem kneelers? How much more will it take? Overall, it was a weak fiscal fourth quarter for Burbank-based Disney, which...
View ArticleMarine Corps Sniper Railroaded by Obama Inc. has Conviction Overturned
This case was another one of many disgusting abuses of power by Obama Inc. and its cronies in the military. The goal was to show the Islamic terrorists killing our soldiers how nice we are by lynching...
View ArticleFake News Site Politifact Demands Monopoly on Fake News
Politifact, a partisan leftist site that is a crucial part of the media's effort to use a "fake news" crisis to censor conservative sites on social media, is very unhappy about President Trump's"fake...
View Article"I Am On a Mission": Muslim Terrorist Runs Over Chinese Students in...
This latest Muslim terrorist attack took place near Toulouse. You may remember Toulouse as the location of the vicious Muslim terror spree by Mohammed Merah which included the murder of Jewish...
View ArticleUK Muslim Labour Candidate: We're Brainwashed Into Thinking Hitler was...
The left embraced Islamists to be tolerant. And ended up embracing Islamofascists. Even while bellowing that everyone who didn't embrace them was a Nazi. While their new friends defended Hitler....
View ArticleHillary Chair's Lobby Closes Over Russian Investigation
That investigation really is getting a little too close to Hillary. And the Podesta Group, that glittering jewel in the diadem of Democrat corruption, will soon be no more. One of Washington's most...
View ArticleJewish Studies Association Head Blames Pro-Israel Students for Campus...
Here's why campus anti-Semitism isn't being addressed. In her article on the Antisemitism Awareness Act hearings, Caroline Glick notes the bizarre appearance by Pamela Nadell, who heads the Jewish...
View ArticleGeorge Takei Blames Russia for Sexual Assault Allegations
Oh my! You know that the shark has been jumped when lefties start using "Russia" as the defense for just about anything and everything. George Takei, a former Star Trek actor now best known as a...
View ArticleCastro Fanboy Bernie Sanders: Trump Admires Authoritarian Leaders
Bernie Sanders, like the rest of the left, has all the intellectual consistency of a rotting sack of garbage sinking into a swamp. Here's his latest Twitter effort get lefty attention with some bland...
View ArticleGovernor Brown in Europe: We Need "Brainwashing"
Brainwashing? Maybe Jerry can consult his pal Jim Jones for Kool-Aid recipes? Back in June, I wrote about California's Jerry Brown doing his secessionist world tour.“It is a little bold to talk about...
View ArticleSomali Muslim Stabs 2 Near Santa's Grotto in Mall of America
Christmas shopping season really is here early. Usually the Somali Muslim mall stabbings don't start this early. They start even earlier. Last year, Dahir Adan, a Somali Muslim refugee, stabbed ten...
View ArticleFailed Actor/Governor Demands Health Warning on Gasoline
Don't drink the gasoline. And stay away from the steroids. Arnold Schwarzenegger, star of such hit films as Jingle All the Way and that movie he did a few years ago that no one watched, is back with...
View ArticleSmashing Keurigs is Actually a Very Effective Protest
Look what I found— Reverend Bob Levy (@TheRevBobLevy) November 12, 2017 Some conservatives responded to Keurig pulling its ads from Sean Hannity by...
View ArticleAnti-Semite Linda Sarsour on "Anti-Semitism Doesn't Exist" Panel
The left only has one kind of anti-Semitism panel these days. And the New School's panel on anti-Semitism is a typical example. "The Uses and Abuses of Anti-Semitism." There are no panels on "The Uses...
View Article"The Liberal You Deserve in Congress" Busted for Stalking Woman
When a Democrat does something wrong, it's a local crime story. When a Republican does something wrong, it's a national story. So of course this is a local story. A Democrat running for Congress in...
View ArticleGloria Steinem Flashback: It's Okay to Sexually Abuse Women If It's...
As the wave of scandals in Hollywood continues to unfold, here's a flashback to what Gloria Steinem, a professional feminist (and the beneficiary of a Harvey Weinstein endowed chair at Rutgers),...
View ArticleAfrican-Americans and the Political Plantation (VIDEO)
On this episode of the Glazov Gang, Candace Owens, aka RedPillBlack, discusses how the racist Democrat plantation keeps them in power while exploiting African-Americans. Democrats derive their power...
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