Channel: The Point
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Anti-Trump Resistance Leader Keeps Getting Away With Abusing Minors

#Resistance. #Molest For the second time in recent weeks, Portland protest leader Micah Isaiah Rhodes stood before an Oregon judge ready to go to prison for having sexual contact with an underage...

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Obama Inc. Issued Stand Down Order on Taliban Drug Trade

A brief refresher. Obama campaigned on pulling out of Iraq and doubling down on Afghanistan. The strategy made absolutely no sense. The pullout from Iraq led to the rise of ISIS. Meanwhile Obama lied...

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Is the Media Laundering Illegally Obtained Info for Mueller and the FBI?

These days the media operates much more like an intelligence agency than anything else.  In the case of private companies like Fusion GPS, the intel part is explicit. And then there's the collusion...

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Pelosi Forgets McConnell's Name

I forget people's names all the time.  But when you're the head of the Dem House and you can't remember your opposite number in the Senate, the guy who effectively sets much of the legislative agenda,...

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Pelosi: "I’m Determined to Avenge President Obama If It’s the Last Thing...

"From hell's heart Nancy Pelosi stabs at thee, for hate's sake she spits her last chardonnay at thee."  This is what happens as you approach peak outrage. Out of desperation, you start talking like a...

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Feminist Apparel's Male Owner Accused of Sexually Abusing Women

This is a shocking, unexpected turn of events that no one could have predicted since the last time it happened. Let's go all the way back to June. "Ivy League anti-rape activist charged with child...

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#AbolishICE Makes Way for #AbolishSupremeCourt

The left believes the rules should be whatever serves its ends. So the replacement of a Republican appointee by another Republican appointee by Trump is touching off the biggest tantrum since the last...

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Confused Leftists Protest Future Supreme Court Justice They Never Heard Of

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com A mob of confused angry leftists led by an elderly socialist up past his bedtime converged to protest somebody, anybody."Are you ready for a fight?" Bernie Sanders...

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The Hammond Pardons Bring Justice to Obama's Victims

The media very deliberately misreported the Bundy standoff, ridiculing the men involved and shrugging at the murder of LaVoy Finicum. When the court case completely collapsed, the media buried the...

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CNN: Too Many Catholics on the Supreme Court

And now a word from the Party of Tolerance at CNN. Or to paraphrase Michelle Obama, "When they nominate a Supreme Court justice, we start talking like bigots." There's only ever been one Catholic...

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Trump Forces World's 3rd Largest Pharm Comp to Stop Drug Price Hikes

While the elitist left throws tantrums about a Supreme Court justice, President Trump gets results for working people. There could hardly be a bigger contrast between Trump's pursuit of issues that...

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FACT CHECK: CNN is Wrong, Founders Expected Chief Justices to Live Past 50

A combination of historical illiteracy and political greed led to this misstatement by CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin.  CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin had a novel argument Tuesday for why Supreme...

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Trump Stops Dem Unions from Stealing from Parents of Disabled Kids

There are policy areas that people of goodwill can disagree on. And then there's the "You're going to hell for this" stuff. Democrats and their union allies stealing from caregivers is a blatant...

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The Mystery of McCain's 2nd Copy of the Clinton-Steele Dossier

Anyone following the investigation of the Clinton campaign's attempt to frame Trump probably already knows that while the primary vector for the Clinton-Steele dossier, a document alleging Russian...

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Democratic Socialists of America Endorse Anti-Semitic, Pro-Farrakhan Maria...

Anyone can run for public office. And the Republicans have taken heat over a few fringe Neo-Nazis running on the GOP line. And Republicans responded by clearly disavowing them. Meanwhile the Democrats...

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Senator Flake's Fake Victory

Senator Flake, the second flakiest senator from Arizona, has dropped his threat to block Trump's judicial nominees because he got a vote on a meaningless resolution opposing tariffs. Flake's fake...

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Remember When Stormy Daniels Was Going to Bring Down Trump?

'Member when Stormy Daniels was going to bring down Trump? The Washington Post does. "Stormy Daniels — not Robert Mueller — might spell Trump's doom" WaPo, Mar 17, 2018. Time Magazine dedicated a cover...

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France Gives Muslim Killer of Elderly Jewish Woman a Pass

Every other Muslim terrorist or killer in Europe has his actions blamed on mental illness or drug use. This just continues the pattern. I wrote about the murder of Sarah Halimi last year. Sarah Lucy...

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University of Wyoming "Cowboy" Mascot Accused of Offending Minorities

It started with Confederate officers. It moved on to George Washington and Columbus. Now the intersectional lynch mob is coming for the cowboys."The world needs more cowboys," the University of...

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Strzok's Narcissistic Testimony

The FBI's Peter Strzok had clearly been studying the work of his superior, Comey. His testimony was a stew of self-righteous preening. Caught red-handed, Strzok insisted that he's a patriot who had...

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