This is a shocking, unexpected turn of events that no one could have predicted since the last time it happened.
Let's go all the way back to June. "Ivy League anti-rape activist charged with child porn, sex with a 13-year-old".
And now, still in June, the favorite apparel of the Women's March (besides the "Farrakhan is My Homeboy" tees) proves to'll never see this coming... the work of... a virtue signaling progressive.
The employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel thought they were creating tools for the resistance. The online store’s viral shirts and accessories — which feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” — became staples at events like the Women’s March and Pride.
On June 21, Feminist Apparel was tagged in a Facebook post accusing Martofel of rape. The employees investigated and found a Facebook post that Martofel wrote in 2013 that describes his own sexual abuse of women, how he came to learn about rape culture, and that he was starting a company called Feminist Apparel as his “humble attempt” to “solve it.”
In interviews, Martofel said he came up with the idea for Feminist Apparel in college while brainstorming for a documentary he was making about sexual assault. A glowing 2014 piece in Forbes rehashes this discovery: “I learned what feminism is and preaches, and I thought it was incredible. I began working on a documentary about sexual assault on college campuses at my alma mater, and while I was brainstorming ways to raise funds to better carry out that project, I came up with the idea for Feminist Apparel.”
This story is ridiculously stupid in a way that exemplifies everything wrong with the left in one toxic bow.
But it does go to prove once again that, Behind Every Virtue Signaling Feminist Project is a Creepy Male Feminist.
In the documentary, Ms Green pays tribute to Mr Svyatski’s organisational abilities and charisma but questions his influence over the group. Only gradually did she become aware that Mr Svyatski was pulling the strings behind the scenes. “Once I was in the inner circle, you can’t not know him. He is Femen.” Initially, Mr Svyatski refused to allow Ms Green to film him but she was determined that he should feature. “It was a big moral thing for me because I realised how this organisation was run. He was quite horrible with the girls. He would scream at them and call them bitches.” When the Femen founder finally spoke to Ms Green, he sought to justify his role within the organisation and acknowledged the paradox of being a “patriarch” running a feminist protest group. “These girls are weak,” he says in the film. “They don’t have the strength of character. They don’t even have the desire to be strong. Instead, they show submissiveness, spinelessness, lack of punctuality, and many other factors which prevent them from becoming political activists. These are qualities which it was essential to teach them.” Mr Svyatski insists to Ms Green that his influence on the group is positive. However, when he is asked directly whether he started Femen “to get girls”, he replies: “Perhaps yes, somewhere in my deep subconscious.”
It's almost like feminism's obsession with the Handmaid's Tale is because it keeps privately reenacting that same behavior while attributing it to the right.