Before we get started, this below is the cover of Keith Olbermann's latest book.
Why have that, "This is not a joke" subtitle there? Because it looks like a joke, doesn't it. If I were doing a parody of a leftist book, it would be some sort of "Jon Stewart on Crack" thing like this.
There's Keith Olbermann lying wrapped in the flag like a crazy but very well groomed homeless man. And yes, he interrupts his rant to tell you, that it's not a joke. Because that is exactly what you do when you take yourself so seriously that you worry that someone might not take you seriously enough.
I was mocking the latest phase of Olbermann's careerearly on. And then he jumped the shark so many times that there was no longer any point. There was a time when Olbermann was trying to channel Walter Cronkite. Now he's channeling Morton Downey Jr. If the latter had been a pathetic freakish figure whose crazed threats somehow just make him seem sadder.
And yet that book, the one that looks like it should be an ebook on a site that's in ALL CAPS, is being put out by Penguin. Specifically Penguin's Blue Rider Press.
Penguin-Random House is one of the largest publishers in the world. Here's their writeup of it.
Witty, acerbic, hard-hitting, and timely, Keith Olbermann’s Donald Trump commentaries come adapted from his hit GQ series The Resistance.
Since Donald Trump’s presidential nomination, Keith Olbermann has emerged as one of the web’s most popular anti-Trump screedists—each installment of his GQ web series The Resistance receives nearly four million views, and his fiercely progressive monologues have garnered a new generation of fans and followers. In TRUMP IS F*CKING CRAZY, Olbermann takes our Commander in Chief and his politics apart with journalistic acuity and his classic in-your-face humor. With more than 50 individual essays adapted from his GQ commentaries, including new up-to-the-minute material, TRUMP IS F*CKING CRAZY is essential reading for concerned citizens who—like Olbermann—refuse to normalize or accept our new political reality.
So the upshot is that Olbermann's book will just consist of transcripts of some of his crazed rants. That's good enough for Penguin.
So is Olbermann crazy or is the left insane?
Is he really like this or is he just mining the deep vein of crazy that the left has become. Under Bush, they wanted to pretend that they were the sane and decent ones. Increasingly they no longer even want to pretend.
Lefties love to talk about "normalizing" Trump. Here's what they're normalizing. And it's only one small sample.
Don't think of Olbermann as crazy. Think of him as a canny operator tapping into a crazy political movement. And then start thinking about what that means for America.