Some of the corruption in government is attributable to the left. But some is a direct result of human corruption. As you read and watch this, ponder the possibility that this is why we may have lost Flynn and ended up with McMaster, with the Obama holdovers in control, and with the Iran deal protected, Israel targeted, Islamists protected. And all the rest.
All because of a sexual harassment case. It's sad. And yet history is full of similar examples.
When the FBI launched an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, one of the bureau’s top former counterterrorism agents believed that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe would have to recuse himself from the investigation.
Former Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was one of the bureau’s top intelligence analysts and terrorism experts but resigned from the bureau five years ago after she said she was harassed and her career was blocked by top FBI management. She filed a formal sexual discrimination complaint against the bureau in 2013 and it was Flynn, among many others, who publicly came to her aide.
She told Circa, current senior level management, including McCabe, created a “cancer like” bureaucracy striking fear into FBI agents and causing others to resign. She eventually resigned herself, but her case is still pending.
“They’ve poisoned the 7th floor,” said Gritz, referring to the actual floor where management is housed in the FBI’s Hoover Building. “There’s a cancer there of a group of people. You’ve seen it with some of the recent reports of leaks, conflicts of interest, you see it in my case. The level of integrity is lacking. I have never seen or heard of the amount of conflicts of interest, or leading by fear.”
“When I heard Michael Flynn was being brought under investigation, I wondered if they would go after him,” said Gritz, recalling the letter Flynn wrote on his Department of Defense stationary. “I still believe McCabe should have recused himself from the investigation into Flynn.”
I've excerpted a few sections. There's more there. But there's also a larger lesson. When you come in to drain a swamp, the first step is to get rid of the senior leadership. Not just the guy on top. The senior leadership. This has obvious risks, both political and in national security terms, but it doesn't work otherwise.
That's the very expensive lesson currently being taught.
The swamp, as exemplified by McMaster, had no hesitation in firing almost everyone Bannon brought in. And the media cheered him on. Now imagine if Trump had fired everyone whom Obama had brought in. Imagine if Obama holdovers had been treated the way that Flynn's people were. Our foreign policy would look very different today.