Bernie Sanders has no shot whatsoever with black voters no matter how he humiliates himself. But that won't stop him from trying...
Bernie Sanders committed tonight to formally apologizing for slavery on behalf of the United States if he becomes president.
Sanders told heavily black audience that Tindley Temple United Methodist Church, 'There's nothing that anybody can do to undo the deaths and misery, how many people we don't even know who died on the way over here in the ships.'
To be fair, Bernie Sanders doesn't know much of anything, from how he's going to break up the banks to the casualty numbers in Gaza. He's just like a dog chasing the White House. He wouldn't know what to do if he caught it. Except apologize for an event that his ancestors weren't even in the country for.
And while the U.S. Senator does not support reparations in the form of a check for the inhumane treatment of Africans before the end of the Civil War, he does believe the government should invest in low-income communities, many of which are black, and he reiterated that point tonight.
Isn't that what we've been doing for generations now? But the magic money tree is full of magic money. But black voters still won't come out for Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile he decided to double down on alienating Jewish voters.
Reparations can mean 'reinvestment in communities most affected' and a 'payback for harm that is done,' one advocate for reparations,Neighborhoods Organizing for Change's Mike Griffin, told in February.
'I mean, I will take a check,' he explained. 'This is not an either or, but an and.'
Sure, why not. Lots of other people's money for everyone.