Channel: The Point
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Chris Matthews Urges Communist Revolution to Stop Supreme Court

He said it. Not me. “So I would say I think this is gonna be the fight of the century,” he declared.“I think the Democrats have to say no way,” he added, “no one passes this line. I think it’s gonna...

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"Try to Scale Their Fence, They’ll Be Only Too Happy to Have You...

Attorney General Sessions delivered a strong speech about open borders and immigration law that calls out the hypocrisy of open borders. Here are a few excerpts. This is a decisive issue.  As the...

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Defender of Child Rapist Can't Sleep At Night Over Migrant Minors

Hillary Clinton loved all the children. And all the children loved her right back. Except when she deported them at gunpoint to Cuba or defended the man who raped and beat them into a coma.  A child...

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Socialist Country That Doesn't Believe in Inflation, Hits 40.000% Inflation

Bernienomics really doesn't work. Here's a brief history of recent socialist economic triumphs in Venezuela. 2016.  The left-wing sociologist running the Venezuelan economy doesn’t believe in...

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Is Senator Flake Undermining Republicans for a CNN Gig?

We report, you feel slightly nauseous. Senator Jeff Flake, a man who always looks like he's about to cry even when he's been happy, has been blocking Republican judicial nominees for that thing he...

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In Boise, a Million Media Trump-Blaming Memes Die With One Pic

It's been decades since a single picture managed to leave a million media stories stillborn. Somewhere in the data archeology of the New York Times, the Washington Post and a thousand other papers are...

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The Myth of Stopping Migration by Fixing Other Countries

Experts have entered the immigration debate with proposals to reduce global migration with foreign aid. Fix the countries the migrants are coming from and they won't be as eager to come. The problem...

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Bill Clinton: "You Couldn’t Just Tell an Outright Lie and Get Way With It.”

The Clintons can't stop lying. It's the thing they're best known for. Most politicians lie. But the scope, quality and chutzpah of the lies has always been astounding. They even lie about their lies....

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"USA Will Be Destroy Allahu Akbar": Muslim Terrorist Busted in 4th...

Abdur Raheem Rafeeq aka Demetrius N Pitts has been arrested for plotting to bomb the 4th of July Parade in Cleveland.  FBI agents arrested him just days before a July Fourth attack he allegedly was...

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Iranian Diplomat Busted in Opposition Bomb Plot Against Meet Attended by...

The Iranian allies of Obama and Kerry are at it again. An Iranian diplomat has been arrested along with two people suspected of plotting a bomb attack on a meeting of an exiled Iranian opposition...

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Did Obama Hand Out US Citizenship as Gifts to Iranian Officials?

While the media howls about Russia, Iranian collusion is the crime that keeps on giving. We know already that Obama smuggled a fortune in foreign currency on unmarked planes to Iranian terrorists....

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20 Pounds of Human Waste Dropped in San Fran Becomes Dem 2020 Frontrunner

Legalizing vagrancy and public defecation has produced tremendous benefits for San Francisco (not to mention Seattle, Los Angeles and New York). And the best may be yet to come. A foul odor permeated...

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Less Than 1 in 3 Dems Proud to be American

I'm shocked that the political faction whose heroes are Gitmo terrorists, drug dealers and Hamas, and that longs for the return of Communism isn't brimming with patriotic pride. Currently, 32% of...

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Mueller Targets NRA, Proves He's a Dem Bagboy

Quick! Name the GOP allied lobby that has the most influence, that the the left hates the most and has been utterly unable to defeat. Name the organization that the left has been obsessively targeting...

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Iran Accuses Israel of Stealing its Clouds

The Bible tells us that when the Jews left Egyptian slavery, they were accompanied by Divine clouds. The Iranian terror state is now accusing the Jews of stealing their clouds. An Iranian general on...

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On ICE, Bernie Sanders Proves Again He's Afraid of His Lefty Base

Bernie Sanders is a courageous truth-teller who isn't afraid of anyone and tells it like it is. That's if you believe the media and his fan base. In reality, Bernie is a little man who lives in fear...

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Absolutely No One Supports #AbolishICE

Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders and the heads of several Mexican drug cartels are in on abolishing ICE. The hot new lefty idea. But this Harvard-Harris poll suggests no political...

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Trump and Black America (VIDEO)

Who speaks for Black America? That's always the question. Is it the unelected leaders of political organizations funded by the left? Activists paid to shout racial slurs and scream about police...

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Congressional Black Caucus Head Levels Truthful Accusation at Republicans

The left accuses Republicans of all sorts of things on a regular basis. Usually those things have nothing to do with reality. But, occasionally, very rarely it does. Here's the head of the...

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Billionaire Living in Tax Shelter Wants American Taxpayers to Give Out Free...

I don't always take advice from foreign billionaires, but when I do, they should absolutely be advising American taxpayers on the need to give away their money while living in a floating tax shelter....

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