The Clintons can't stop lying. It's the thing they're best known for.
Most politicians lie. But the scope, quality and chutzpah of the lies has always been astounding. They even lie about their lies.
While he (Bill Clinton) mostly strayed from commenting directly on President Donald Trump, he did take a few digs at the current administration. He ended one story, for example, with “back then, you couldn’t just tell an outright lie and get away with it,” which was met with roaring applause from the audience.
What do you even do with that?
Bill Clinton told plenty of outright lies and got away with them. But it's a particularly bizarre claim to make for a man who got on television and told the country that he didn't have a sexual relationship with a woman, before admitting that indeed he did.
Is that what Bill Clinton considers a lie, but not an outright lie? And what is the meaning of 'is'?