Undercover sting videos are a real public service. Depending on whose agenda they serve.
When NBC's Gregory illegally waved a gun around in violation of D.C. law or when CBS This Morning conducted an illegal gun purchase, there were and will be no criminal charges filed against them. Pushing gun control is an approved liberal cause. However the Planned Parenthood undercover videos led to the authorities targeting the people who made the videos.
The cases are fairly similar. Laws were technically broken in an attempt to expose what the reporters believed was greater wrongdoing. The standards however vary depending on whether a liberal agenda, banning guns, or a conservative agenda, banning abortion, is being pursued.
And that double standard is symptomatic of a lawless society. Either everyone is accountable or no one is. If we waive charges in cases of undercover work, they should be waived across the board, rather than selectively based on political agendas. If it's legal for NBC or CBS to flout the niceties of the law to push a political agenda using journalism, the same privilege should apply to those on the right.
It's either that or abandon the premise that we are a nation of laws rather than a nation of agendas.