The rolling train wreck that is the Bernie Sanders campaign wound up in Oakland. Like everything else that Bernie Sanders has ever done, this was a mistake.
Security members responded when audience members crossed barriers during a speech by Bernie Sanders in Oakland, Calif., today, according to reports and video posted on social media from the rally.
Security agents surrounded him at the podium and other agents took away at least three people.
Sanders remained on stage throughout the incident, and told the crowd afterwards: “We don’t get intimidated easily.”
Yes, just look at that picture of Bernie being unintimidated. Just like he wasn't intimidated when those female Black Lives Matter activists shouldered him off the stage.
Groff identified the five group members as Ashley Johnson, of New York City; Rebecca Muniz, of Berkeley; Matt Johnson, of Iowa; Aidan Cook, of Denver; and Amy Halpern-Laff, of Berkeley. They were detained for an hour or two, Groff said, and released without charge.
Video appears to show a Secret Service agent striking one of the barricade jumpers several times with a night stick. Groff identified that person as Johnson, whom he said suffered a bloody wound on his hand.
Isn't it glorious. Bernie Sanders had to have Ashley Johnson beaten on his behalf. The left eats itself.