Why has Bernie Sanders been constantly attacking Israel? It's what his voters want.
The latest Pew survey shows that
the vast majority of Republicans favor Israel over the "Palestinians". That includes 76% of Kasich voters, 77% of Trump voters and 80% of Cruz voters.
But even Hillary Clinton supporters back Israel 47 to 27.
Only Sanders' radical base chooses the terrorists over Israel by 39 to 33. This is not surprising as liberals are once again the only group to make that same decision 40 to 33.
Bernie Sanders' base is the radical left. It's what he's been pandering to with his attacks on Israel.
While Democratic support for Israel is certainly lower than Republican, 43 to 75, liberals are the only group that chooses terrorists over the Jewish State. But they choose terrorists over America. Why shouldn't they do the same when it comes to Israel.