I've written about the problems with the Holocaust Museum before and its hijacking to push Muslim Brotherhood narratives.
Now the Holocaust Memorial Museum has rolled out an "Early Warning Project" to warn of the risk of mass killings and genocide.
According to the “Project,” Israel is not at risk of genocide. Its risk assessment is lower than the UK or Panama... Despite the constant threats to destroy the Jewish State, Iran is also rated at low risk. Instead the Holocaust Museum claims that the real threat of genocide is in Egypt which is “experiencing a mass killing episode perpetrated by the current regime against the Muslim Brotherhood and oppositionists.”
Jews don’t face genocide in the Middle East. The Nazi-influenced Muslim Brotherhood does. Muslim Nazis are the real victims of a new Holocaust.
Defenders claimed that the Holocaust Museum wasn't responsible for it. But they might have more trouble defending this.
Ottawa— On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, from 9:30-10:00 a.m. at The Charles-Lynch Press Conference Room at the Centre Block on Parliament Hill, Lt.-Gen. (Ret.) Roméo Dallaire, Senior Fellow at the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS); Naomi Kikoler, Deputy Director of The United States Holocaust Memorial (USHMM) Museum's Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide; Kyle Matthews, Deputy Director of MIGS and Mouaz Moustafa, Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, are bringing the Caesar photos showing torture in Syria to Parliament to highlight the plight of civilians in Syria, facing daily threat of atrocities.
There are and have been ugly things happening in Syria, but it's as the result of a civil war, not a genocide by one party against civilians. ISIS' persecution of non-Muslims come closest to that.
But the significant name on that list is Mouaz Moustafa, Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force. The SETF is a lobby pushing for US intervention in Syria. It's been accused of Brotherhood ties. It's deeply embedded and very influential. McCain loves it. And here's Mouaz with Paul Ryan. It has a history of pushing support for Islamic Jihadists.
Despite America’s lack of ability to influence the Islamic Front, the Obama administration now has no choice but to keep trying, said Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, an American NGO that works directly with several Syrian opposition groups.
“The Islamic Front did not meet with the United States because of certain preconditions the U.S. had insisted on, as well as the fact that the Islamic Front wholly rejects a second Geneva and the premise of the meeting would be to pressure the Islamic Front to attend the conference,” he said.
The United States must pragmatically engage with the Islamic Front while keeping in mind that the Islamic Front was formed without the objective of gaining U.S. or Western support, Moustafa said. The Islamic Front works with al-Qaeda out of convenience, but doesn’t share their ideology.
Yes, the Holocaust museum is bringing in (and Paul Ryan is posing with) a guy who claims that we need to join forces with Jihadists allied with Al Qaeda.
Mouaz Moustafa is a Palestinian Arab and he really does not like Israel.
His Twitter account frequently features anti-Israel material, including calls for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem. On his YouTube account, he "liked" a video featuring Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, "crying while praying".
He also Favorited an anti-Israel video from a channel titled "JewsExposed"
Free Palestine long live independent #Palestine with #jerusalem as the capitol
— Mouaz Moustafa (@SoccerMouaz) September 23, 2011
His current social media features lots of anti-Israel material. And there he is listed next to Holocaust museum staff. The Muslim Brotherhood, including its Hamas branch, has always been clear about its affection for Hitler and the desire to complete the Holocaust. And yet the Holocaust Museum insists on rolling out the red carpet for them.