The media's misreporting has a pattern.
When Israeli civilians get bombed by Hamas, that's not a story. But when Israel strikes back, suddenly it's a story. Media headlines blare about Israel strikes on "Gaza". Mentions that Israel is retaliating are buried several paragraphs down. Mentions of Hamas are kept sparse. Instead the focus is on "Gaza civilians" a breed that in media accounts frequently include Hamas terrorists.
The media is always interested in what happens to Gaza civilians once Israel starts shooting. It's not interested in what was happening to Israeli civilians that caused the latest Israeli response.
A sad sight: Jewish kids and babies forced to remain in the stairwell of their apartment block as its the most protected if one of the 200 rockets fired towards communities in Israel today land on them. You wouldn’t want to live like this. But this is life living next to Hamas.
— Michael Dickson (@michaeldickson) July 14, 2018
It sure looks like Gazans are shooting rockets from a mosque - or damn close to a mosque.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) July 15, 2018
It's a beautiful summer day in #Israel, but instead of enjoying Shabbat, or going to the beach, or having a picnic, thousands of Israeli families are huddled in bomb shelters as mortars are fired at them from Gaza.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) July 14, 2018
VIDEO: Sheer terror on this Israeli street as terrorist rocket from #Gaza lands on Synagogue.
— Michael Dickson (@michaeldickson) July 14, 2018