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FACT CHECK: The US Takes in Far More Refugees Than Jordan


The fake news machine never sleeps.

This latest howler comes from Peter Coy, " the economics editor for Bloomberg Businessweek". Peter should probably have stuck to economics because he doesn't seem to know anything about international affairs. Though he does know plenty about clickbait. 

That's why he's got a Bloomberg article titled, "The U.S. Would Need to Take In 80 Million Refugees to Equal Jordan."


Peter is outraged that annual refugee resettlement numbers might drop to 21,000. 

"The contrast between the United States and Jordan is stunning. The U.S. has admitted 3.4 million refugees since 1975, according to the Refugee Processing Center;" he writes. "Jordan, a small, poor country with far fewer resources to support refugees, houses about 2 million refugees. That’s 20 percent of its population."

"In short, the U.S. isn’t doing its share to help people who are fleeing persecution at home."

This fake news meme has been spreading around the internet for years. The key word here is "houses". 

Jordan has resettled approximately zero refugees. Much of its population consists of "Palestinians" who after generations of living in their country still don't have citizenship. The Iraqis and Syrians living in Jordan haven't been taken in. Their care is largely funded by foreign humanitarian groups. And Jordan has no real ability to remove them from its country. 

When the United States resettles refugees (and those 21,000 are being resettled), it covers all the costs and makes them permanent additions to the country.

No Muslim country has resettled refugees. Only Western countries have.

The countries participating in refugee resettlement programs are almost all Western.

Here's the UNHCR page on the subject.

The number of countries offering resettlement programmes has grown significantly in recent years, from 14 resettlement countries in 2005 to 37 resettlement countries worldwide in 2016 (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay).  

Jordan isn't on the list. Neither is any Middle Eastern country. 

When Peter Coy claims that the wealthiest countries haven't done enough, he's repeating a fake news claim that is easily disproven by the facts. But nobody in the media bothers to research facts anymore.

If Bloomberg had any credibility, it would correct Coy's fake news editorial. But it won't. That's why the media has no credibility anymore. It doesn't do facts. All it does is memes.

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