For a billionaire, Michael Bloomberg is really bad at spending his money. At least when it comes to politics.
After buying the mayor's office a few times, back in New York City, the creepy titan went back to his firm, where he made everyone's life a living hell. He went big on his two pet causes, global warming and gun control. He held lots of networking conferences for mayors of major and minor cities. And beyond that networking, not a whole lot got done.
A fortune was poured into gun control. Without a whole lot to show for it.
The various flavors of Bloomberg gun control front groups have a pathetic record compared to Soros front groups. All that money hasn't gotten much done.
And that's another reason not to worry about Bloomberg's threat to pour $80 million into flipping the House.
1. Bloomberg's name in a political race (especially in a red state) is poison.
2./ Bloomberg spends his money unwisely. His politics are 90% fantasy to 10% reality. While he was quite effective in New York, he doesn't understand any races outside it. And that means much of that money will end up in the pockets of political consultants.
3. If there's any lesson to be learned from 2016, it's that money doensn't buy elections. Not even Mike's money.