1. This is an incredible intel coup. And there haven't been many of those in a while. The Chinese and the Russians have wrecked US counterintelligence, hacked most of our top secrets and taunted us with them. The Israelis have offered a reminder that they can play in the big leagues. And instead of pretending to leak it to Wikileaks, Netanyahu unveiled it online.
It's a bold departure from the plausible deniability games that Russia has been playing. And it shows how a free country actually does this.
2. It shows once again that the Iran Deal was a scam built on lies. The Iran Firster echo chamber is hard at working insists that we knew this all along. And that's been the usual Obama Inc. response to a scandal. "Everyone knew."
Everyone always knows once it's exposed to the light.
3. The Iran Deal and all the various nuclear appeasement efforts were premised on the fallacy that Iran wanted nuclear energy, but not nuclear weapons. The Iran Lobby lied about a fatwa. They claimed that Israel's belief that Iran meant to use nuclear weapons offensively was Holocaust paranoia. Now the evidence is here.
4. This is what Secretary of State Pompeo was here for. He reviewed the evidence personally. The deck is being cleared to deal with Iran.