From the"Department of You've Gotta Be Kidding Me."
NRA, In New Document, Acknowledges More Than 20 Russian-Linked Contributors - NPR
The National Rifle Association has accepted contributions from about 23 Russians, or Americans living in Russia, since 2015, the gun rights group acknowledged to Congress.
The NRA said in a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., unveiled on Wednesday, that the sum it received from those people was just over $2,500 and most of that was "routine payments" for membership dues or magazine subscriptions.
The NRA has millions of members. Here's what its expenses look like for a year.
The National Rifle Association saw a 10 percent bump in revenue during election year 2016, but also spent $42 million more than it earned, according to a financial statement given to members at last week’s annual conference.
The statement consolidates revenue and expenses from six NRA-affiliated organizations, including its political action committee, according to the statement. It lists $433.9 million for total revenue and other support along with $475.9 million in expenses.
However, the NRA carried over monies from the year before. At the end of 2015, the NRA had approximately $42 million remaining after expenses, according to the statement.
The biggest increase in spending for 2016 went toward program services to the tune of $288 million, a 52 percent jump from the year before. T
$2,500 for $288 million.
Meanwhile here's what the Uranium One take looked like for the Clintons.
The Clintons and their foundation raked in a cool $145 million in donations and "speaking fees" just from Uranium One- and Rosatom-affiliated donors while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was supposedly keeping all Clinton Foundation business at "arm's-length."
But that's not a story. The NRA getting $2,500 from a handful of members in Russia is. And that story comes to us from NPR which took plenty of cash to push the Iran Deal.
A group the White House recently identified as a key surrogate in selling the Iran nuclear deal gave National Public Radio $100,000 last year to help it report on the pact and related issues, according to the group's annual report. It also funded reporters and partnerships with other news outlets.
But that's not a story either. $2,500 in donations. Now that's a story. Better get those FBI raids started.