Immigration truly is transforming Belgium. First up, what looks like a Car Jihad on an Orthodox Jewish father and son.
The incident occurred on Saturday morning while the man and the child were walking to synagogue and was filmed by security cameras.
The footage shows a black Seat Ibiza car swerving sharply while speeding on Isabellalei, a central street in Antwerp, toward the alleged victim and a boy, who is the man’s son, according to the Antwerp-based Joods Actueel Jewish monthly.
The car is seen intersecting a bike path, apparently while speeding. The car then climbs the curb as the two alleged victims are walking toward it, prompting them to jump away from the curb and toward the safety of the building facades.
Joods Actueel reported that witnesses said the driver had foreign origins. While their report did not name the man or offer any additional information on his identity, Israel's public broadcaster Kan News reported that the driver was of Muslim origin.
The local authorities and the media are claiming that the driver was drunk. But similar claims have been made about Muslim terrorists in the past. The victim is skeptical.
The victim explained to Jewish News that the driver in his eyes did not drive like a drunken man "he did not swoop over the road, no, he drove very concentrated in a straight line and drove straight on."
And then a chat with some immigrants ended in a brutal stabbing.
The 25-year-old NV is in hospital after an out of hand discussion on Sunday morning in Kortrijk. The young man was stabbed six times after he intervened in a discussion between his friends and a group of immigrants, his father testifies.
The Kortrijk police take the case seriously. "Violence with and by foreigners gets worse and worse in Kortrijk", the father of N. concludes. "A week ago a mother was struck in the face by a gang of foreigners who have been bothering young people for months."
The only solution is more immigration. Also drilling bigger holes in sinking boats.