While the Dem establishment and its media allies insist that Islamist figure Linda Sarsour is a feminist, some serious questions have been raised about her commitment to women's issues. Not only has Sarsour defended Saudi Arabia's treatment of women, but she's also been accused of complicity in sexual harassment.
Pro-Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour told an employee who claimed she was sexually harassed that "something like that doesn't happen to someone who looks like you," the accuser told Fox News Wednesday night.
Fathelbab told The Daily Caller that Sarsour called her a liar and told her the man Fathelbab accused of harassing her "had the right to sue me for false claims" and "had the right to be anywhere in the building he wanted."
But even before these claims had emerged, Sarsour had made some ugly comments to an actual feminist and FGM survivor.
“Brigitte Gabriel=Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away — they don’t deserve to be women.”
Now Jamie Glazov is urging Twitter uses to continue challenging Sarsour over these ugly remarks. And to demand that she apologize for making them.
Sarsour had previously responded by blocking her critics, including Glazov, and dismissing questions asked of her in person. But it's important to continue demanding answers.
Jamie writes, "In the tweet, Sarsour expressed her desire to whip Ali and take her vagina away. (Note that Hirsi Ali was subjected to female genital mutilation when she was five years old in Somalia.) Sarsour’s yearning for this sadistic violence also, as the Tweet indicates, includes Brigitte Gabriel, another brave and heroic opponent of Islamic Supremacism. We are asking everyone to GO TO TWITTER and demand that@lsarsour apologize — until either she does or is forced to block all of us!"