That massive surge of fake refugees was supposed to fill in for an aging German population and do all the jobs that Europeans wouldn't do. Instead they're committing the violent crimes that Europeans won't commit.
The recent influx of mostly young, male migrants into Germany has led to an increase in violent crime in the country, according to a government-funded study published Wednesday.
The study used figures from the northern state of Lower Saxony to examine the impact of refugee arrivals on crime in 2015 and 2016, a period when the number of violent crimes reported increased by 10.4 percent.
The authors concluded that 92 percent of the additional crimes recorded could be attributed to the increase in refugee numbers.
Wir schaffen das.
Since this is government-funded, it's likely underestimating the full scale of the problem. But a 10% increase in violent crimes is already bad enough. But the authorities are doubling down on the predictable "failure to integrate" message.
Herb told reporters in Berlin that the biggest problems seemed to come from young men who see little hope for their futures. Afghans and Syrians were less likely to commit crimes than migrants from North Africa, who stand little chance of receiving permission to stay in Germany, the study found.
“In our view, this shows once more that those who come here mustn’t be left to their own devices,” she said. “Only that way can we ensure that boredom and frustration don’t result in criminal behavior.”
Yes, it's because they're boredom. If we don't keep them amused, mass sexual assaults may occur.
The study, led by prominent criminologist Christian Pfeiffer and published by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, says most of the refugees came to Germany from Muslim countries that are “characterized by male dominance” and an acceptance of a “macho culture” that can justify violence.
It's the masculinity, not the theology, that's the problem. And, unsurprisingly, the conclusion is that the solution to migration problems is more migration.
The lack of women among Germany’s refugee population is also seen as an aggravating factor.
“This makes it more likely for groups of young men to emerge among the refugees and they can develop a violent dynamic of their own,” the authors wrote, concluding that it makes sense to allow refugees to bring over their families.
Chain migration. It'll either solve Europe's problems... or completely destroy it.