Unlike most Jihads, the casualties have largely been limited to toilets.
The last time you might have heard of the Dawoodi Bohras, an Islamic sect, was during the exposure of an FGM network mutilating little girls over in the United States. This insanity is taking place in their own country, as Tarek Fatah,via Religion of Peace, reports.
the community’s head priest who lives in India has issued a worldwide diktat for Bohra Muslims across the world to not use ‘western toilets’. “Individual homes are being checked and marked against their community ID number. Every house should have only Indian style.” These Red Guards also show homeowners how to get around the problem if one cannot squat on the floor while defecating.
These Bohra Red Guards are like the Islamic internal police distinguished by their red armbands who come to inspect your home, with or without your permission and go straight to the washrooms to check if the homeowner has not implemented the Islamic way of responding to the ‘call of nature.’
There's always been talk about reforming Islam. The trouble is that reforming Islam within the Muslim world tends to mean returning it to the proper Islamic values of Mohammed and his successors.
And that means using the toilet, the Mohammedan way.