Net Neutrality was never legal. It existed for a brief while. Not much changed for customers before, during or after its existence.
Cable monopolies are a problem, but even if cable companies were to start throttling streaming from some providers like Netflix (which is a possibility as cable companies begin getting deeper into the content business. If the Disney-FOX deal goes through, it's only a matter of time until Disney gets its own cable company.) But they're far from the worst threat to freedom on the internet.
Obama's ICANN sellout and the Google/Facebook monopolies over search and social take that crown. The hysteria over Net Neutrality is fed by Google and Facebook, some of the worst abusers of neutrality when it comes to promoting their own content and agendas.
The Net Neutrality battle pits content against signal Content has the social reach to influence users. While signal is just the unglamorous reality of how all the content gets to you. Content providers would like to be able to reach all their possible customers without having to pay any tolls or running afoul of cable deals with other content providers. Some customers benefit from this. And others don't.
Ultimately the collective cost is shared. And that means the guy who just uses his internet to check email and uses a gigabyte a month has to share the cost of the girl next door whose binge watching of Netflix's latest junk release uses that much data in a few minutes.
That's also Net Neutrality.
The real problem though is that as the internet, on the signal and content end, a handful of corporations dominate everything. Net Neutrality, like so many industry battles, is just about the various titans positioning themselves on the industry battlefield by using the government to get their way.
Our freedom to access the internet is threatened by all of them. But the signal providers tend to care about profit and bandwidth. The content providers are getting into politics. Signal cares how much data you use. Content is starting to shape what you see for its own reasons.