Some of the best things in life are free. Like sunshine, magic and damaging information about a presidential candidate.
And so we dive back into the Fusion GPS toxic pool of radioactive smears to try and figure out what else was going on with the anti-Trump dossier. Hillary paid Fusion GPS for it. Steele, the Brit ex-spook was paid to produce it. And he passed it on to the FBI.
And where did he get it?
Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.” And both of these insiders, after “speaking to a trusted compatriot,” would claim that the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump.
Did these nice Russian gentlemen, including a fellow who's a high level intel officer, want money for it?
Perish the thought. They were just happy to help. For free. Bless your heart. Not a penny needed or wanted.
The ex-British intelligence agent who authored the opposition research dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia did not pay the sources he used to compile the document, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to congressional Russia investigators, multiple sources familiar with the matter told CNN.
Now I'm not a top secret agent, but I don't believe that high level intelligence officers in an enemy country generally just give you things for free. Unless they're the ones using you.
In Russia, bribes are the most basic form of currency. And anyone providing info to Steele was...
1. Aiding a private contractor, not a government employee
2. Providing secret information to someone from an enemy nation.
So it certainly was nice of these Russian folks to endanger themselves just so Steele could get a six figure payout from Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign.
So we've got two reasonable Occam's Razor options here
A. Russian high level intelligence agents are the nicest people in the world you will ever meet. They will absolutely put their lives at risk to give you any secret information you want. And then they'll ask if they can wash your car
B. The Russians planted the information for reasons of their own.
And answer B. rings the big "collusion" bell.
The Russian high level intel officer who gives you stuff for free is as real as Santa Claus. He's not giving anything away. He's feeding you information. Now let's have that special prosecutor.