The #MeToo campaign just went somewhere really unexpected and interesting.
Tariq Ramadan is the left's favorite Islamist. He's been the face of a fake "moderate Islam". Where the Bush administration banned Ramadan, Obama let him in. When Bush banned Ramadan, the media quickly came to his defense. He got an op-ed in the Washington Post. When Obama let him in, the New Yorker cheered, "Tariq Ramadan Comes to America!"
And who gets the credit for letting him in? Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, has signed an order effectively lifting the Bush-era ban for Ramadan, a visiting fellow at St Antony's College Oxford.
"Both the president and the secretary of state have made it clear that the US government is pursuing a new relationship with Muslim communities based on mutual interest and mutual respect," said state department spokesman Darby Holladay in a statement. "We'll let that action speak for itself."
Jameel Jafaar, Ramadan's American Civil Liberties Union lawyer said that the state department recognised the original exclusion was based on "political views.""We see secretary Clinton's decision as a recognition that the (exclusion was) illegitimate to begin with."
Since 2006, the American Civil Liberties Union has been fighting a lawsuit against the state department and the department of homeland security to challenge the visa ban on the Swiss-born Ramadan.
Now Ramadan stands accused of rape. The case is in France, but letting him into America wasn't just bad for national security, it endangered women.
A Muslim feminist activist in France who has accused prominent Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan of violent rape detailed her claims in a hard-hitting interview Monday.
The leading Oxford professor, whose grandfather founded Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement, is facing investigations in France for the alleged rape of two women.
Henda Ayari, a former Muslim fundamentalist who says Ramadan raped her in a Paris hotel room in 2012, said she was encouraged to speak out against him publicly by the "Me Too" campaign sweeping the world.
Ayari, who lodged a rape complaint against the 55-year-old Swiss national on October 20, charged that for Tariq Ramadan, "either you wear a veil or you get raped".
"He choked me so hard that I thought I was going to die," she added.
A second unnamed woman on Friday also accused Ramadan of raping her in a hotel room in 2009.
Ramadan, a professor of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford University, is popular among conservative Muslims. Secular critics accuse him of promoting a political form of Islam.
Not just secular critics. But you can see why Ramadan likes Sharia law.