Obama Inc is an Orwellian place that, like the left, operates by reversing meaning. Good becomes evil. Treason becomes patriotism. Waste becomes investment. Cowardice becomes courage.
Here's Obama discussing his decision that required the most "courage".
JACK SCHLOSSBERG: You’re receiving an award for your political courage, which you demonstrated in many different ways. I was wondering which issues you thought during your presidency demanded of you the most courage?
BARACK OBAMA: Well, the hardest issue that I dealt with was always sending our young men and women into harm’s way, our troops. And so the first time I decided that we needed more troops in Afghanistan, I made a presentation at West Point. And seeing people younger than you and knowing that many of them would be in a really dangerous situation, that was tough. But I actually think that the issue that required the most political courage was the decision not to bomb Syria after the chemical weapons use had been publicized and rather to negotiate them removing chemical weapons from Syria.
Now, we know subsequently that some remained, so it was an imperfect solution. But what we also know is that 99 percent of huge chemical weapons stockpiled were removed without us having to fire a shot.
Obama is always a humble man. Some arrogant types might not take well to being accused of courage. But Obama humbly and modestly ponders which of his most courageous times were truly the most courageous.
It certainly takes "courage" to take the fake Russian deal that violated his own Red Line and destroyed American credibility, and spin it as courage, especially after the latest attacks. But you have to understand how Obama thinks.
President Trump was praised for his strike on Syria. And that made Obama look bad. So now Obama has to revise his own record and spin his actions as "courageous." You see, Trump is a coward for bombing Syria. While Obama was courageous for violating his own word. 4 legs good, 2 legs better. We have always been at war with Eastasia. Please admire our gaslights.
"I think by the time I had gone through a big crisis in the world economy and had disabled the auto industry and had been subject to a lot of criticism and had lost the majority in Congress and been subject to more criticism, there’s something about experience that oftentimes helps you have some political courage "
By political courage, Obama means disregarding the will of the people and ruling as a unilateral dictator. That certainly takes "political courage" of the Mussolini kind.