Aspiring racist comic book writer and McArthur genius grant recipient Ta-Nehisi Coates' latest bid for comic book social justice sold so badly that even Marvel couldn't justify keeping it afloat. And Marvel will keep anything social justice afloat. Maybe Coates needed more Muslims.
Black Panther & The Crew focuses on the title character who is joined by other black superheros like Storm, Luke Cage and Manifold. Set in Harlem, the superheros try to fight police brutality in a city dominated by robotic cops. The gang also looks into the death of a character named Ezra Keith, a civil rights activists who died in police custody.
This exciting premise, strangely enough, didn't sell well. There are plenty of black people who buy comics. But Coates' market has never been black people. It's white lefties and apparently they don't buy enough comics. Or maybe Coates' turgid prose is even worse in comic form.
The Black Panther spinoff teamed Coates with "poet" Yona Harvey, one of Marvel's desperate efforts at diversity.
The lefty crybullies at Gizmodo are furious. How dare Marvel cancel a comic that no one wants. But it's telling that Marvel canceled this turkey after two issues. It's not hard to see why. Black Panther and the Crew was predictable Black Nationalist pap with superheroes that no one cares much about plugged in. The cover featuring Black Panther fighting Captain America summed up the worldview.
Good riddance.
But it's also hard to miss the historical irony of Marvel assigning a character created by Jack Kirby, a creator whose politics were rather libertarian, and who was treated badly, being handed over to affirmative action baby Ta-Nehisi Coates who is given every possible privilege and aid, but still fails.
That's what real privilege looks like.