A variety of left-wing groups and individuals have come out against Israel's BDS ban. Most of these don't want to identify openly as pro-BDS. There are stealth BDS groups like T'ruah and J Street. And then there's the ADL, which under Jonathan Greenblatt has softened its position against BDS and tried to make common cause with BDS groups. There's Rick Jacobs, the anti-Israel head of the URJ.
These groups and individuals don't want to admit the obvious. They run the gamut from supporting stealth BDS through advocating for partial boycotts of Israel, as T'ruah does, Advocating against the "Occupation" by smearing Israel as J Street does. And then there are the lefties pushing liberal organizations closer to the anti-Israel camp like Jonathan Greenblatt and Rick Jacobs.
They claim that they are supporting Israel's democracy and freedom of speech. That's obvious nonsense.
None of them are protesting a ban on Kach activism. They are protesting a ban on BDS tourism. When a past left-wing government banned more conservative pro-Israel figures from the country, the left had no objections.
As usual, those who defend BDS covertly support it. Or at least view themselves as closer to BDS hate groups than they do to Israel and Netanyahu.