The difference between election and impeachment is that with the former, Obama is able to continue freeing as many terrorists as he can until he has to leave the office. And that's what he's going to do. He may not be able to fully shut down Gitmo. But he'll do as much damage as he can anyway.
"At the end of the day, the domestic transfer restriction remains in place, so until Congress lifts that we’re not able to bring detainees here even to serve a life sentence, even to undergo prosecution to render a life sentence, so those restrictions remain in place," Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Lisa Monaco said. "There will be some number that remain, an absent an ability and a lifting of the Congressional restrictions to bring them to the United States, they will remain in Guantanamo."
Monaco said the Obama administration won't let up on efforts to shrink the prisoner population at Gitmo, now down to 59 from 240 when Obama took office.
"We’re going to continue to pursue those transfers, just as many as we can before Jan. 20th," she said.
So on a practical level, Obama may not be able to free every single Jihadist, but he'll get as many of them out as he can to the degree that Gitmo will be a ghost town. This will be where Trump's people could play a role by telling the countries that Obama is cutting deals with that those deals will not hold.