The media is very interested in anti-Semitism on the right. It's unwilling to talk about anti-Semitism on the left.
Here's a story from Gil Troy about what happened when he criticized Bernie Sanders. While it may seem contradictory for Bernie Sanders supporters, who is biologically of Jewish origin, to spew anti-Semitic bigotry, it's important to note the degree to which Sanders pandered to bigots with his constant attacks on the Jewish State. So this should not be too surprising.
I received hundreds of obscenity-laden tweets, emails and Facebook posts condemning me, my looks, my suits, my intelligence, my professional judgment, my integrity, my motives, my religion. Some of these messages threatened violence and even mentioned my office address, trying to intimidate me. But they were not sent by members of the alt-right, the proudly bigoted conservative movement well known for its anger and trolling. Instead, they came from Sanders supporters—misreading my analysis as an advocacy piece—who felt I’d blamed their hero for Hillary Clinton’s failures.
Some of them were blatantly anti-Semitic.
... “run back to Palestine”; “only a beanie wearing kyke could write something so wrong and misguided”;
... How does calling me a “kyke” (again, their spelling) and a “greedy Jew”...
Anti-Semitism remains a strong undercurrent in the left. Except that it can't be discussed.