The last time George Takei did anything that anyone cared about was playing a second banana on a TV show in the seventies. Then he went on to play said second banana in movies. Then he just monetized his second banana personality while moonlighting as some sort of civil rights activist. That's a fairly typical career trajectory in the industry, All that's missing is the one man show.
Lately there's been a trend in people paying attention to things that George Takei posts on Twitter. This is counterproductive as it encourages Takei to post more things for more attention.
So far we've had Takei commenting on Supreme Court appointments and the legitimacy of the election along with numerous topics he is as ill-disposed to handle as the role of Hamlet.
This isn't doing Takei any favors. It isn't doing America any favors. It isn't doing Twitter any favors. It isn't even doing any of the cases that Takei advocates for any favors.