The media is uncritically cheering the candidacy of Keith Ellison, to head the DNC despite his having compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire and compared Israel to an Apartheid state.
Ellison has won the support of Schumer and Reid despite an ugly past which includes his past with the Nation of Islam. Keith Ellison was involved in defending anti-Semitism by members of the racist cult. That's been widely covered of course. But what most people don't realize is that the Nation of Islam's views aren't just racist, they're crazy and genocidal.
The Nation of Islam believes that white people were created artificially by a mad scientist. That white people are inferior devils and will be exterminated by UFOs.
Here's Louis Farrakhan, a cult leader whom Ellison once defended, articulating some of these views.
It's only reasonable to assume that before switching to more mainstream Islam, Keith Ellison once shared these crazy, racist and genocidal beliefs. And he ought to be asked about them.
Did the DNC candidate anticipate an Independence Day scenario in which a "heavily armed spaceship the size of a city that will rain destruction upon white America, but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam."
Does he have any such beliefs today? He ought to be asked about them.