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Comrade Olbermann Returns from Exile to Lead Anti-Trump Revolution


Like Lenin returning courtesy of the Germans in his sealed car, Comrade Keith Olbermann has returned from exile from ESPN courtesy of the revolutionary working class vanguard of GQ to lead the anti-Trump revolution.

"I am Keith Olbermann," Keith Olbermann declared in his role as GQ special correspondent, "This is the Resistance."

He failed to add, "Please don't laugh. Really." But it was strongly implied.

Modest and self-effacing to a fault, the man who served as the basis for the entire cast of the West Wing, laid out his qualifications. 

“Since no Democratic or liberal politician has yet stepped forward out of the morass of Politics Inc. to take on the responsibility of The Resistance, I, with complete awareness of the presumptuousness and arrogance of this statement, volunteer myself, and I will gladly turn over all these burdens to any more legitimate and informed lawmaker or political or cultural leader who has the guts to take these burdens.”

No one has as much guts as Keith Olbermann whose guts are internationally renowned and have been the subject of a number of European medical conferences. 

Between Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore, we are experiencing the revival of the careers of key leaders in the anti-Bush revolution which banished him from power in 2002 and replaced him with Martin Sheen in their own fevered imaginings. Can the return of Comrade Cindy Sheehan be far behind?

For now Comrade Olbermann of the People's Republic of GQ is leading the resistance from the bastion of his YouTube vlog, but any day now masses of heavily armed GQ readers carrying masculine eyebrow pencils will march on Washington D.C. with Keith Olbermann at their head and be laughed out of everywhere.

Hail the Glorious GQ Resistance!

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