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Woman Goes to Help Muslim Refugees, Gets Spit on for Being Jewish


Sadly some people have to get "mugged" before they come to terms with reality. And the reality is that Islamic is anti-Semitic, not to mention anti-Christian, anti-Hindu and anti everyone who isn't Muslim. Or even the right kind of Muslim. Importing millions of Muslims imports intolerance on a terrifying massive scale.

When Judith G. helped out at a refugee center near Frankfurt last October and identified herself as Jewish, she was spat on and insulted.

German Jews say the case of Judith G., a 33-year-old optician who asked not to be fully named, isn’t isolated and underlines concerns many have about the record arrivals of asylum seekers, largely from Muslim countries in the Middle East.

“Among the refugees, there are a great many people who grew up with hostility toward Israel and conflate these prejudices with hatred toward Jews in general,” Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews, told Reuters in an interview conducted in October.

Yonatan Shay, a Jewish researcher wearing a Kippa, went to Muslim refugee housing and found swastikas scrawled on the walls. This means that Germany is literally importing Nazis.

"The Jews must get out of the country," the boy says menacingly to Yonatan.

And now even the AJC is talking about it. As are experts on hate.

“Most Middle Eastern and African countries have fostered fervent anti-Semitism,” said Professor Wolfgang Bock, an expert on national security at the Federal Academy for Security Policy. “A large part of the Muslims living in European nations harbor deep-seated anti-Semitism as well.”

A report in Tuesday’s Die Welt, a leading German newspaper, indicated that anti-Semitic graffiti was seen by a visitor to Berlin’s Tempelhof airport, which is now being used to house refugees seeking asylum in Germany.

This is an issue that won't go away.

Following the warnings of growing anti-Semitism on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day and reports of anti-Semitic graffiti in a Berlin refugee camp, the American Jewish Committee urges the federal government to take immediate measures. A first step could be the establishment of a National Democracy Summit in April.

"The question of democratic values ​​and anti-Semitism prevention needs to be placed on the agenda. Political top representatives from federal, state and local authorities have to take measures on the way to allow a successful integration of refugees. It's five minutes to midnight, but not yet too late, "said Deidre Berger, director of AJC Berlin.

A summit won't fix anything. Ending open borders for bigots will.

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