Being a compulsive liar is a full time job. That means Hillary Clinton can't just lie. She has to tell obvious lies. Blatant lies. Lies that are so undeniably untrue that even her supporters have to back away uncomfortable.
And here's Hillary in Seattle. Compulsively lying.
During her speech, Clinton said, “I’m not going to add a penny to the national debt,” according to a tweet by Mike Memoli, a Los Angeles Times reporter covering Clinton.
Unless she plans some rather huge cuts, cuts that even few Republicans would contemplate, that's wildly unlikely. The only way for her promise to work is with so many numbers games that even Al Capone would blanch. This is simply a ridiculously insane claim. Unless you take it to mean that Hillary won't add a penny to the national debt. She'll add hundreds of trillions of pennies.
The Clintons are just literal enough liars for that sort of thing to be plausible.