Socialist Bernie Sanders did not get to where he was by paying his bills. And he's not about to pay this one.
A San Diego suburb is demanding Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign pay nearly $30,000 for police overtime and other costs from a May rally.
The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that National City demanded $28,337 in a letter sent Tuesday after several collection attempts.
The costs are from a rally at Kimball Park on May 21, shortly before California's presidential primary.
The letter says the city will "pursue all available legal remedies" if the bill isn't paid by next Monday.
If Bernie can afford a new summer home and a political venture, he can pay for the police overtime needed to restrain his fans from sleeping on the sidewalk. But Bernie is not exactly the model of a solvent fellow.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail
"He explained the origin of the money Sanders used to buy the Middlesex land and the carpentry he did on the sugar shack. He said Sanders received unemployment, “for a few months,” in 1971, though Sanders can’t remember what the job was that qualified him for the benefits."
In subsequent Liberty Union campaigns he advocated for “the doing away with all time limitations for unemployment benefits.”
Now he expects someone else to pay his bills.