Don't worry. It's all about "criminal justice reform".
Which means it's really great that a billionaire convicted of insider trading is buying DA's like cattle. Criminals buying chunks of the justice system is praiseworthy if they're progressives. Just ask Scott over at Politico.
"George Soros' quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system"
Who can forget Al Capone's quiet overhaul of the liquor industry?
The billionaire financier has channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year — a sum that exceeds the total spent on the 2016 presidential campaign by all but a handful of rival super-donors.
And this is a good thing. Billionaires injecting lots of money into politics and buying political outcomes is a good thing. When it serves our agenda. Four legs bad. Two legs good.
Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national “527” unlimited-money group, each named a variation on “Safety and Justice.” (Soros has also funded a federal super PAC with the same name.) Each organization received most of its money directly from Soros, according to public state and federal financial records, though some groups also got donations from nonprofits like the Civic Participation Action Fund, which gave to the Safety and Justice group in Illinois.
Remember kids, it's great when leftist billionaires manipulate the process this way. It leads to puff pieces in Politico.
While Soros has spent heavily in 2015 and 2016, a broader national push into local prosecutor campaigns is expected to intensify in the next few years, thanks to longer-term planning and candidate recruitment. A Safety and Justice group has already organized in Ohio, according to campaign finance filings there. But it has not yet disclosed raising or spending any money.
And that's fine. We're not really practicing journalism here anyway.