Laurence Tribe, the Ted Cruz Birther Expert, Also Believes Constitution...
Laurence Tribe, Obama's mentor, has become the new favorite of Ted Cruz birthers. When Tribe isn't attacking Ted Cruz, he also believes that Monkeys are people The advocates of granting legal standing...
View ArticleDavid Brooks Attack on Ted Cruz Shows Why He's a Liberal
David Brooks' latest attack on Ted Cruz is a new low for him. It's not a new low for the New York Times which regularly pays people like Charles Blow, Paul Krugman, Frank Bruni, Ross Douhat, Thomas...
View ArticleHillary Clinton's Problem Isn't Bernie Sanders
Nobody, except Bernie Sanders supporters, thinks that the senile Socialist is pulling ahead on charisma, messaging or ideas. Aside from ranting about corporations being all corporationey, Bernie...
View ArticleThere Are 653 Cologne Victims of the Muslim Rape Mob
The breakdown for robbery and sexual assault complaints is around half and half, so there would appear to be some 300 female victims of the Muslim rape mob. And the numbers may still go higher as more...
View ArticleObama Defense Sec: We Need to See "Full Context" of Iran Video
This is shameful. From Obama on down, no one in this administration will say that the armed capture and degradation of American sailors is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Secretary of Defense...
View ArticleWas the "Muslim Hero" Story of the Hyper Cacher Massacre a Myth?
The recent anniversary of the Hyper Cacher massacre by a Muslim terrorist in a Jewish supermarket has seen this subject widely debated in the French media. Most people remember how the story of...
View ArticlePeter Travers Finally Finds a Movie He Hates: 13 Hours
Rolling Stone's quotemonkey Peter Travers is the movie critic that other movie critics hate. He has bad taste. He has no taste. He likes everything and loves getting his insipid quotes on movie...
View ArticleOn Being a New York Conservative
Every place, no matter how liberal, has its conservative outposts. (And vice versa.) There are conservative parts of Manhattan. There are parts of the island that voted for Romney. (Yes, really.) But...
View ArticleBernie Sanders and the Left's Aspirational Brand
A big part of how the left won was by transforming its image. Go back a hundred years and the left had much the same makeup as it does now. But the image of a typical leftist was ragged, angry and...
View ArticleSweden Wants a "Gender-Equal" Draft to Cope w/Muslim Migrants
Sweden, one of Bernie Sanders'"ideal" models. Here's how swiftly it's rushing down the insanity waterfall. Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said on Sunday she would welcome the reintroduction...
View ArticleThe Bizarre "Ted Cruz is Anti-Semitic for Criticizing Trump" Meme
This is a very strange election and some of the attacks being thrown around now sound like they were drawn from a crazy person's box of randomly clipped letters. The entire "New York Values" exchange...
View ArticleIran is Training Obama like a Dog
Obama and his team are celebrating as if they were FBI agents who successfully conducted a cash for hostages exchange while the criminals went free. The "diplomacy" that they're celebrating is one in...
View ArticleBy Flipping on Guns, Bernie Sanders Showed He's Just Like Hillary
The idea of Bernie Sanders is that he's authentic. He's not Hillary Clinton. He doesn't change positions with the polls. He has principles. In reality, Bernie Sanders is a lifelong politician who gets...
View ArticleIslamic Professor: Muslims Can Rape Non-Muslim Women to Humiliate Them
Here's an important thing to understand; this woman is a moderate. And I'm not saying that sarcastically. In Islamic terms, her position is a moderate one. She's specifically staking out a position...
View ArticleSick, Old Democrat Says Other Other Democrat is Too Sick, Old to be President
Hillary Clinton is in real trouble so she's going to the mattresses against Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately the mattresses belong to David Brock so they're memory foam and scented with lilac and...
View ArticleOutrage Over "New York Values" from People Who Used "San...
It's week 2 and fake outrage over Ted Cruz's slam of New York Values is still lingering like a noxious fog in some circles. The absurdity of the whole thing is that when Nancy Pelosi rose to national...
View ArticleObama Provides Material Support of $1.7 Billion to Iran Terrorists.
Obama will pay Iran $1.7 billion in a "settlement". Obama's statement suggests that the settlement, most of which is interest, is tied to the latest hostage release. "With the nuclear deal done,...
View ArticlePope Francis: Countries that Take in Refugees Must Change
Some interesting tidbits from Pope Francis' statement on migrants and refugees. Via Andrew Stuttaford at the National Review."Migration movements are now a structural reality, and our primary issue...
View ArticleIs Pope Francis Alienating Devout Catholics?
It's an interesting question. Certainly his media presence is very high and he's popular in general, but there are some figures that suggest he might not be that popular with actual practicing...
View ArticleNow Clintonworld Wishes it Had More Debates
This is actually really funny. The Clinton - Debbie Wasserman Schultz strategy was to minimize debates and schedule them at times when the fewest number of people would be watching to make the...
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