Who are we to object to a few more undocumented immigrants? Let's make sure they have ObamaCare and tax refunds so they'll know how much we welcome them.
Sunni extremists are infiltrating the United States with the help of alien smugglers in South America and are crossing U.S. borders with ease, according to a U.S. South Command intelligence report.
The Command’s J-2 intelligence directorate reported recently in internal channels that “special interest aliens” are working with a known alien smuggling network in Latin America to reach the United States. The smuggling network was not identified.
“In 2015, we saw a total of 331,000 migrants enter the southwestern border between the U.S. and Mexico, of that we estimate more than 30,000 of those were from countries of terrorist concern,” she said.
Don't worry. I'm sure they're mostly unaccompanied minors of under forty. Let's not do anything crazy like actually closing and securing the border.