I have an idea. How about a carbon tax for NPR. If there's any amount of hot air that ought to be taxed, it's National Public Radio. Instead NPR would like to carbon tax parents for having kids.
NPR correspondent Jennifer Ludden reported that Professor Travis Rieder presented “moral” arguments to James Madison University students, claiming the best way to protect future generations from the threat of climate change is “by not having them.”
According to the article, Rieder and his Georgetown University colleagues, Colin Hickey and Jake Earl, have a plan to save the earth which was described as “carrots for the poor, sticks for the rich.”
They are asking richer nations to “do away with tax breaks for having children and actually penalize new parents.”
Rieder described his strategy as a “carbon tax, on kids,” and said it should be “based on income” and raised for “each additional child.” He claimed that punishing people in wealthier nations for having large families is “not like China’s abusive one-child policy” because it targets the rich rather than the poor.
It's not punching down. It's genocide that punches up.
Rieder claimed to have the moral high ground, saying, “It's not the childless who must justify their lifestyle. It's the rest of us.” In the radio program, he said his family is “one and done” even though his wife Sadiye formerly wanted a “big” family.
But living him apparently convinced her that there were enough people with his DNA walking the earth.
This is the left. It's evil in ways you can't even begin to comprehend. And it's determined to destroy you in every way possible.