Ordinarily this sort of thing should be beneath contempt, but we've now apparently reached the point where this passes muster as something other than trolling.
It’s time for Republican leaders to consider a negotiated endorsement of Hillary Clinton...
Given that Trump is on track to lose and given that his presidency might very well be worse for the country and conservatism than Hillary’s anyway, why don’t Republican lawmakers band together and see if they can come to some sort of deal with Hillary?
More precisely, top Republican and conservative leaders should band together and offer Hillary a deal to rescind their endorsements of Trump and endorse her in exchange for some policy concessions.
What would a possible deal look like, you ask?
In exchange for an endorsement, Hillary might promise Republicans the right to choose whom she nominates to fill Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. She should also be pushed to agree to some entitlement reform, perhaps in the form of Simpson-Bowles (not the best fix to our entitlement crisis, but better than anything Republicans can hope for when even the Republican presidential nominee rejects the need for entitlement reform). Maybe Republicans could even get her to commit to putting together a bi-partisan (or non-partisan) national security team to include widely respected figures like former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates and retired Gen. James Mattis.
In addition to a public endorsement, the Republican legislators might agree to do everything they can to push through a Gang of Eight-style immigration bill if Hillary is elected. They might also promise to do their best to get her an up-or-down vote on any Supreme Court nominations she makes during her first term. If she demands it, they even agree to help her achieve a federal minimum wage increase.
First, let's address the ridiculous premise here.
If Hillary Clinton is bound to win, if her victory is so certain that conservatives and Republicans should surrender now, then why would she bother making a deal at all? Let alone a deal over the Supreme Court which remains the biggest prize for the left. Maybe a more moderate Democrat might consider such a deal, but Hillary is anything but moderate.
Furthermore what leverage would there to be to compel her to keep any such deal?
In this scenario, the GOP leadership abandons its own party. Which, as a practical matter, means that it loses by a landslide. Republican voters don't even bother to show up resulting in the loss of Congress. The Democrats have a majority in every branch of government to do anything they want. And hey, let's hope Hillary honors that deal we made with her because if the Clintons are known for anything, it's their integrity.
This isn't just treason. It's stupid treason.
The Democrats get a total majority and illegal alien amnesty, putting them on track to having a permanent majority.
This election has certainly exposed some people in the GOP in one way or another. It's driven others downright insane.