Having no sense of humor would be a requirement for spending a lot of time around Hillary.
Hillary Clinton's vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, on Friday dived into the role of attack dog, slamming Donald Trump's comments about Russian hacking.
Trump later said he was being "sarcastic" with the remark.
"I don't have a sense of humor about cyberterrorism, and I don't have a sense of humor about what Russia is up to," Kaine said on CNN's "New Day," adding Trump wasn't being sarcastic but "ignorant."
Since Kaine can't tell the difference between sarcasm and serious, he's rather ignorant. And he's ignorant about being ignorant.
And it's understandable that Tim Kaine wouldn't have a sense of humor about cyberterrorism as his Obama regime has overseen a vast expansion of foreign cyberterrorism against America, of which this is but one minor example, without doing anything about it.
Also Kaine isn't an attack dog. He's an attack poodle. If he had a sense of humor, he would realize that.
"The Cleveland convention was dark and depressing, as she said, it was kind of midnight in America, and her speech was morning in America," Kaine said.
Yes, nothing says Reaganesque like Hillary Clinton.