The focus of the media coverage has been on misconduct by the US personnel involved. And while that certainly appears to be the case, it's rather doubtful that the problem came from anywhere except the top down.
Obama has made improving relations with Iran into his biggest priority and his usual tools for the task are appeasement and avoiding any conflicts. It's a safe bet that this attitude filtered down through the hierarchy and led to this disaster.
Aquilino added that the rules of engagement dealing with Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf "may not have been understood by the crews."
Which is a convenient way of covering up for those making the rules.
Richardson said that Iran violated international law in its treatment of his sailors by taking them at gunpoint.
"The investigation concluded that Iran violated international law by impeding the boats' innocent passage transit, and they violated sovereign immunity by boarding, searching and seizing the boats and by photographing and videotaping the crew," he said.
Iran broke the law. I'm sure there will be consequences. Lots and lots of serious consequences. Like a statement. And then nothing. And more nothing.