Political correctness really is winning. Even Al Qaeda is going politically correct.
Lone wolf jihadists should target white Americans so no one mistakes their terror attacks for hate crimes unrelated to the cause of radical Islam, Al Qaeda writes in the latest edition of its online magazine.
In an article first reported by The Foreign Desk, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) called for more self-directed Muslim terrorists to kill in America. But the article, titled “Inspire guide: Orlando operation,” tells terrorists to “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found” because if gays or Latinos appear to be the targets, “the federal government will be the one taking full responsibility.”
Also Al Qaeda would like Jihadists to avoid making politically incorrect jokes and kill whitey.
Although Al Qaeda does not take credit for Mateen’s attack in the online article, it urges more “lone wolves” to take up arms. Jihadists should target “areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated,” it states. “This class of the American community is the majority and it is the one that is in the American leadership.”
Like the current leadership?
If Al Qaeda sounds incoherent, it's because it is. We are talking about AQAP which is currently the more functional part of Al Qaeda and may even occasionally work together with ISIS on foreign terrorist attacks, but is now stuck playing backseat driver since Omar Mateen never mentioned it or had any contacts with it. So it's trying to poke holes in the attack and explain why it's really not so great.
Sure Omar killed a bunch of people, but they were mostly minorities. Also he should have used bombs.
“We stand by and support all Muslims who attack America in their homeland regardless of their affiliation to any group or loyalty,” the guide states, though adding that Mateen could have killed even more if he had used bombs in addition to the guns he carried: a Sig Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle and a Glock 17 handgun.
Hi, we're still relevant. Please pay attention as our keyboard warriors explain what the last serial Jihadist did wrong based on their experience playing Call of Duty.