Oh great. We're going to talk about Vermont values, aren't we?
Anyway Clintonworld is counting on Bernie Sanders not being able to do well with black voters because a Killer Mike viral video is not the same thing as actual black voters knowing who the hell you are. And, for some reason, they have Rangel making that case in the clumsiest way possible.
“I never, never expected that Senator Bernie Sanders [would] get this far, but I don’t see how he is any particular political challenge to Senator Clinton,” said Rangel, a Clinton backer who served with Vermont’s Sanders in the House. “Being from New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont are parts of our great country, but just not really truly representative of our great country. We have set up these little testing grounds, and I think they’re important. But if Bernie won everything in the places that are less diverse. I don’t see that as being representative of the American people across the country."
#Vermontissowhite is the basic message here.
Rangel then compared Sanders’ presidential effort to that of Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
“I can’t think of anything to say negatively about Bernie Sanders but he surprised the hell out of me when he thought he could be president of the United States, and quite frankly he still surprises me, like nobody in politics ever has,” Rangel said. “I could say the same thing about my friend Donald Trump. I know his ego, and I know how much he loves himself. And it doesn’t surprise me when he said he wanted to be president. Or Pope, for that matter."
You can always count on Rangel to stay on topic. Some topic anyway.
But the Clintons last time around were counting on white voters. This time they're counting on black voters. Hillary Clinton is not going to get the progressive vote and her frantic rush left is alienating white working class Democrats.
Last time around, the Clintons unnecessarily offended black voters. Now they're unnecessarily offending white voters. Because unnecessarily offending people is what they do best.
Having Rangel say that two states are not representative of America for racial reasons is going to offend even Democrats in those states. And it's going to tick off voters well beyond them. Voters that Hillary Clinton needs now and is going to go on needing if she becomes the candidate.