When polls showed that most Democrats were dismissive of Hillary's email problems, Bernie Sanders pandered to them by vocally writing off the scandal. Now that his supporters are cheering for an FBI indictment and Hillary is being increasingly hurt by the email issue, the "principled" candidate is trying to have it both ways.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is still not jumping on rival Hillary Clinton's controversial private email server scandal, but said a recent report condemning her actions is something voters and superdelegates will have to take into account.
"Now, you're right — the inspector general just came out with a report; it was not a good report for Secretary Clinton. That is something that the American people, Democrats and delegates are going to have to take a hard look at," Sanders said in an interview on CBS News's "Face the Nation" Sunday. "But for me right now, I continue to focus on how we can rebuild a disappearing middle class, deal with poverty, guarantee healthcare to all of our people as a right."
A State Department report released last week said Clinton broke department rules when she set up a private email server during her tenure as secretary of State, and the system would not have been approved if she had sought permission before setting it up.
"Well, John, they will be keeping it in mind," Sanders told host John Dickerson when asked about the effects of the report. "I don't have to tell them that. I mean everybody in America is keeping it in mind, and certainly the superdelegates are."
So Sanders would like the superdelegates he's courting to pay attention to Hillary's emails, but he wants to pretend to be above the fray. He's happy to mention it and happy to exploit it, but he doesn't want to be seen to be doing it.
This is yet another reminder that the authentic and principled Bernie Sanders is a hypocritical political hack who very carefully manufactures and exploits his fake authenticity.