You can tell that Obama apologized for the US campaign to stop Japan's genocide in Asia and save the lives of a million American soldiers in two ways
1. The media is claiming that he didn't apologize. And with the media and Obama, it's usually safe to assume the opposite is true.
2. You can look at his actual words
Yes, Obama doesn't say, "Sorry, we dropped the bomb." Instead he delivers a long pseudo-philosophical spech about the nature of progress and human evils that bemoans WW2 and the fact that the bomb was dropped.
"Science allows us to communicate across the seas and fly above the clouds, to cure disease and understand the cosmos, but those same discoveries can be turned into ever-more efficient killing machines.
The wars of the modern age teach us this truth. Hiroshima teaches this truth.
Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us. The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well."
Thanks, Norman Thomas.
Now some people would say that the heavy price we paid to stop Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, genocidal monster states that were killing, represented a moral revolution. We sought no territory. We did not come to conquer. We sacrificed terrible numbers of people to do the right thing.
But to Obama, the war itself is a moral failure. Because it involved bombs.
"Why do we come to this place? To Hiroshima? We come to ponder a terrible force unleashed in a not-so-distant past. ...They ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become."
Remember when we honored WW2 veterans as the Greatest Generation? No more. Now we treat them as examples of savagery.
It is not the fact of war that sets Hiroshima apart. Artifacts tell us that violent conflict appeared with the very first man. Our early ancestors, having learned to make blades from flint and spears from wood, used these tools not just for hunting, but against their own kind. On every continent the history of civilization is filled with war, whether driven by scarcity of grain or hunger for gold, compelled by nationalist fervor or religious zeal, empires have risen and fallen, peoples have been subjugated and liberated, and at each juncture, innocents have suffered, a countless toll, their names forgotten by time.
The world war that reached its brutal end in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was fought among the wealthiest and most powerful of nations. Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art, their thinkers had advanced ideas of justice and harmony and truth. And yet, the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes
Remember when Democrats thought that WW2 was the only good war? This is what the Democratic Party has finally become under the left.