Isn't inclusivity great? Being inclusive means that you include everyone. Except those people who aren't inclusive. And when you get to define who isn't inclusive, then you can exclude everyone you don't like and still be inclusive.
Even if the word inclusive no longer means anything anymore.
ESPN President John Skipper disputed former network analyst Curt Schilling’s claim that sports news organization prefers left-leaning viewpoints, and told reporters this week that the company simply has no tolerance for intolerant points of view.
“No. We have no tolerance for points of view that aren’t inclusive,” the network chief said at a press conference this week, according to Newsday.
“We have a diverse culture. We are very focused on making sure everybody can exist comfortably and succeed in that culture,” he added. “That’s what we have no tolerance for and I don’t care of what the politics of a person who has such an attitude are.”
ESPN has no tolerance for intolerance. Except of course its own intolerance. ESPN is very diverse. It's full of diverse people who in their own diverse ways agree on the same things. And in their own diverse ways agree not to tolerate any disagreements, public or private, and to ruthlessly purge those who do disagree.
Orwell really missed the boat. the Ministry of Information's slogan should have been Diversity, Inclusivity, Intolerance.