Splinter has become more hysterical than ever. In a desperate bid for attention there has been doxxing and threats of violence. But the kinja is still going over the falls.
As I predicted, Univision wants to be out of the Gawker/Onion business. The reputational risk and economic hazard are not proving any more appealing.
Multiple sources familiar with the proposal told The Daily Beast that UCI has said it wants to cut 15 percent of current staff across Onion Inc., which include satirical websites The Onion and Clickhole, as well as pop-culture fixture The A.V. Club and food site The Takeout.
The Onion’s editorial team is about half the size of GMG’s so many staffers worry that a 15 percent cut will likely have more serious impact.
Does this mean 40% less jokes about Jews murdering babies?
The staff reductions are yet another result of Univision’s failed attempt to take the company public.
Sources familiar told The Daily Beast that Univision has cooled on the idea of cutting a reported 35 percent of the company’s budget, settling instead for buyouts. Increasingly, UCI executives are interested in spinning off Fusion Media Group, or selling other parts including Onion Inc.
The Onion is a relic of another time. And apparently clickbait isn't paying off the way it used to.
That's bad news for an entire lefty economic model built around ragebaiting users over Facebook.